Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Find your inner GURU!

"Inspiration leads to motivation; it's your spirits desire to grow and evolve."

That is my guru thought for our self-published book, "1001 Guru Thoughts". You can find it on page 13.

My fellow partners thought I ripped that off from someone. I think that it is a natural response to wonder how someone who isn't a well know "GURU" could come up with such a quote. The truth is we are all guru's at something. We can all teach the world something because we are all unique. Deepak Chopra calls it "Darma". In other words you were born with a specific talent, ability and purpose that no one else on this PLANET has!

So how do we tap into this creativity that's inside us?

I tapped into it through running. Running for me is a meditation. I lose myself (my mind) when I run and I lose track of time. I think that I'm able to do this because I absolutely love running and in doing so I am tuned into myself. My fundamental grounding is that I choose to run because I love myself. This love of self was discovered through running and I believe this is the key to tuning into to your intuition (your inner knowing).

To increase your creativity and find your inner guru, go and do something that you love! Lose yourself and lose track of time. Or you can simply meditate on a daily basis. The key thing here is that you silence your mind and start to allow yourself to be in the flow. Over time you will find that you will love everything that you do even more because you will have discovered your deeper love of self. You will no longer feel the need to hold on to past hurts and resentment. Forgiveness won't be an issue for you.

And when you reach that place, now you got it - you just found your inner guru.

Robert Gregoire

1 comment:

  1. I love that quote and your right, most people woudn't believe that just anybody could come up with such an inspiring quote. You are sure motivating me to get inspired so that I can start to live life to the fullest!

    You rock Robert "Guru"tropolis Gregoire!
