Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Success Leaves Clues

Many have said that success leaves clues, and that all you need to do to be successful is to find someone who has done what you want to do and do what they did. I've also heard that opportunity knocks, and I prefer to believe that opportunity stands on the other side of a door waiting for you to recognize that it's there. I don't think opportunities generally jump out in front of you and say "Here I Am!" and instead present themselves covertly or in disguise. I think it is the person who is prepared, and watching for opportunities that will find them when they present themselves. If they truly knocked for us, why do so many go unrecognized until it's too late?
I'm a firm believer in finding mentors to guide you in your quest for success. They can be in the form of a coach, or mentor that you meet on a regular basis. They can also be authors, or books, or audio CD's or any other form of multi-media that can provide you with "mind feed". You will become like the people you associate with, and the information you take in. If you continually associate with negative people and fill your mind with the images of doom and gloom on radio, tv and newspapers it will be very difficult to make positive changes in your life. Alternatively, if you seek out people who encourage, motivate and challenge you, and fill your idle time reading books on success, and listening to audio programs from successful people, you won't be able to help changing your thoughts. I know that I have made this a practice in my own life, and have been amazed by the number of opportunities and great relationships that I have formed since starting.
I believe it was Jim Rohn who said "Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become" which basically sums up this post. In order to change your current station in life, you've got to be prepared to change your thoughts, actions and beliefs.
In my words "Success leaves clues, and opportunity knocks, but only for those who are prepared to recognize them."
Make it part of your daily practice to work on becoming someone who recognizes opportunities, and attracts success.

Dan Giercke is a Director @ Gurutropolis

1 comment:

  1. I love the tips that I learnt here, I will get my audios up and running as soon as possible so that I start on the success path that you guys are all on. Where do you get all this information?
