Sunday, November 22, 2009

Scorpions, Maggots and Richard Branson – A Voyeur’s Perspective

November 19, 2009 Andrea Ross stole the title:
Second Fearless Person in Canada!
National Fearless Day never saw a more fearless woman! I dared to compare and held my hand out to hold a scorpion at the entrance door, but alas, my focus was chief camera-woman and cheerleader. I ran to the front of Toronto's Circa Nightclub's dance floor to the media fenced stage shaking my hand in spasms to release that creepy crawly arachnid residue.

Sifting through heaps of live maggots to unearth Scrabble tiles spelling 'FEARLESS', Andrea won the first contest! Richard Branson (billionaire host of the Virgin promotion) rewarded the crowd of screaming fans by lovingly casting hand fulls of maggots across the audience to adorn their hairstyles and open bags with. Cripes!! I quickly picked out the white wriggly vile monsters from my new found girlfriend's hair and scoured my open purse for any lone lipstick leaches. As brilliant and powerful as Richard Branson is, that exhibition of engaging the crowd into the competition was distasteful at the very least – or maybe I should be thankful we didn't have to taste them! The underground Circa Nightclub now truly felt underground complete with offensive grubs and larva everywhere!

As a spectator of this event, I was a proud supporter of my snake covered friend Andrea. Puffed up I yelled "GO ANDREA GO!" vicariously living a powerful endorphin rush by watching Andrea totally focus on each contest and give it her all. Wonderwoman Andrea broke free from the locks and chains and the snakes retreated.

Winning two out of the three contests, the third was her last test. Wonderwoman Andrea shapeshifted into Elastagirl as she scaled tall towers and stretched her long limbs to the second tower finish line while balancing on a tightrope. As fearless as Andrea was, she was no match for the web spinning muscle bound young heart throb that was suspiciously pulled out of the crowd to compete. Spiderman effortlessly scaled the tower and beat Andrea's time to win the competition.

Battle of the Supers sadly ended as Andrea was defeated by her worthy adversary Spiderman. From the audience I admired Andrea as she held her head in her hands laughing and smiling as her opponent clearly won. She communicated great sportsmanship with the acceptance of her silver medal, (well actually $2,000 and a Virgin phone). A true winner, Andrea is gifted with many superpowers: super smarts, super courage, super focus and super positive!

We celebrated with copious amounts of food and wine at Toronto's Convention Centre and danced into to the wee hours of Toronto night life.

Thank you Andrea for the experience of Toronto's Battle of the Superpowers! You totally Rock!

Jill Fischer,
Director of Gurutropolis

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking me through the experience of that "FEARLESS" day. That's awesome that you guys got to see Richard Branson!
